Lend Me Your Ears and Enjoy Better Hearing!

Opening Hours : Mon.-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. by Appointment
  Contact : 480-372-8383

My hearing isn’t really that bad. Why shouldn’t I put off getting a hearing aid?

It is sad and wasteful to live a life less than at its fullest. Remember, hearing instruments cannot restore your hearing to normal. But they can add strength to the hearing you have left. Early help has been shown to have long-term benefits. Getting in to see someone now, even if you decide not to act right away will educate you on the options and benefits. It has been shown by researchers, to ward off onset of dementia by preventing patients from becoming withdrawn.

Hearing aid are so small and expensive. Why do some cost more than others?

Hearing losses are as different as fingerprints. With most patients, it entails the selection of a precise digital device specifically designed for that individual. Based on the patients specific needs or performance expectations, the cost may vary from the style or type selected. One does not have to get Bluetooth compatibility or the most expensive processors made.

I have difficulty hearing with both ears. Do I have to wear an instrument in both ears?

When both ears are impaired, two-ear assistance may be superior to that of a single instrument. This will provide balanced hearing and may help preserve speech activity in both ears.

What are Hearing aids?

Hearing aids are small electronic devices you wear in your ears or behind them, or both. Hearing aids help people with varying degrees of hearing loss. They not only help you hear the daily sounds of life, but can also help you feel more connected to your environment – more engaged in life. Many studies have shown that hearing aids have many more health benefits than improved hearing. There are many types of hearing aids, working with an who works with a physican is the best way to explore the different options. Our audiologist, Martin Case would be happy to sit down with you to discuss what might be right for you or someone you love. A first time consult is free and painless.

How can I tell if I need a hearing test?

There are some simple rules of thumbs with regards to hearing tests. If you think you are experiencing hearing loss, it probably means you are and you can benefit by simply having one done. They’re simple and painless – at least you’d know for sure. It takes most people years to notice gradual hearing loss, so if you are starting to have problems hearing groups of people in conversation, or need to continue to turn the TV volume up – that’s a sign that you might benefit from hearing aids.

Not all hearing loss is age related, although it is recommended that anyone over the age of 50 should get a baseline hearing evaluation done. Some hearing loss is due to blockage, or even a response to medication.

Hearing loss is not something to hide or ignore. Your overall health is eventually going to be affected. Slow hearing loss can cause depression, avoidance, breakdown of relationships and an overall sense of helplessness. And it doesn’t have to be that way! Hearing aids have come a long way – the technology is amazing (and discreet.) Schedule an appointment with Martin Case today – you will not regret it.

Who has access to my health records

Many more people than you would ever want, including people outside the health care industry.

  • Insurance companies
  • Government agencies especially if you receive Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, SSI, Workers Comp or any local, state or federal assistance
  • Employers
  • Banks, Financial Institutions
  • Researchers
  • If you are involved in a court case, your health records can be subpoenaed and available to the public
  • Marketers
  • Drug companies
  • Data miners
  • Transcribers in and outside the U.S.
  • Many health websites collect information about you

Can my personal health information be used and disclosed without any notice to me or without my informed consent at the time of treatment


The Amended HIPAA Privacy Rule states only that you must receive a Privacy Notice telling you how your personal health information will be used and disclosed. Section 164.520(c) (2) (i) (A).
Privacy Notices are often mistaken for consent forms, but they are simply notices telling you what will happen to your medical records.